How delicious to cook pea puree?

The source of vegetable protein and the microelements that people need - peas - is tasty in many forms. Young peas are usually eaten just like that, it can be added to soups and vegetable stews . Canned green peas - an important ingredient in a variety of salads, as a side dish, it fits perfectly to sausages or cutlets . Well, dried peas are usually cooked with mashed potatoes.

A few secrets

Unfortunately, not all people like useful puree from peas. There are several reasons for this dislike. First, not everyone chooses the right product. Secondly, peas should be properly cooked. Thirdly, strangely enough, to cook a delicious pea puree will not work only from beans.

To begin with, we choose the right peas. It should be sold in a transparent package so that you can see the peas. They should be about the same size, the percentage of chopped peas should be minimal. If you can buy the product by weight - sniff. There should be no smell of mold, wet soil, dust or mice. Only the smell of peas.

Soak or not soak

Since the puree is prepared from dried peas, it is necessary to soak before preparing it. Ideally - hot water for 3-4 hours. Peas absorb the right amount of water and cook much faster. You can soak peas and in cold water, but then and time he needs to give more, soak him for the whole night. So, let's tell you how to cook delicious pea puree.



Here is the basic recipe, from which it will be clear how to cook pea puree correctly. We peel the peas, mine, pour hot water and leave for 4 hours. After that, again thoroughly wash peas under running water, fall asleep in a saucepan, fill it with clean water and begin to cook. When the water boils, merge it, rinse the peas and repeat the procedure. In re-boiling water add soda and cook our peas for about an hour. For a quarter of an hour until ready, add the dill, tightly tying the bundle to make it easier to get it. Ready peas thrown in a colander, purring with a blender and add salt and pepper.

If there is no time

Often the question arises, how quickly to cook pea puree, so it was also delicious. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. The washed peas are placed in a pressure cooker and we get a wonderful puree in half an hour. In the rest - the process is the same.

If the pressure cooker is not available, we will tell you how to cook pea puree in a multivark. The washed peas should be put in a working bowl, pour water and set the temperature in the "Multipovar" mode to 200 degrees. For 40-45 minutes peas cooked, it remains only to cook a really tasty mashed potatoes.