Planting garlic in the spring in the open ground - the rules that should not be neglected

The upcoming planting of garlic in spring in the open ground is the most important event for every vegetable grower. This bulbous plant has a huge value in cooking, folk medicine, it is used in many dishes and for home preparations. With a competent approach, the crop of this culture is able to bring the owner of the site a regular income.

Planting garlic in spring

In the economy, winter garlic is more often used for processing, selling in the market and conservation, it is characterized by large teeth and better yield. If there is a question about long-term storage, then the varieties for spring sowing have an advantage. Winter bulbs are normally preserved until early January, after which their quality deteriorates, and spring heads do not deteriorate until the middle of spring. If there is a spring planting of garlic in the open ground, it is better to purchase the following varieties:

Difference between summer and winter garlic:

  1. Predominantly spring garlic does not form arrows.
  2. Spring bulbs do not hibernate in the open ground, they begin to plant in spring.
  3. In the bulb of spring garlic, up to 30 lobules can be formed, winter garlic has no more than 10 lobules.
  4. The teeth of this garlic to the center of the head are small and spirally arranged.
  5. Bulbs in winter species when planted in the open ground grow larger.
  6. Planting garlic in the spring in the open ground is carried out by the teeth of the harvest of last year, the reproduction of winter garlic can be produced by air bulbs.

Planting garlic in the spring in the open ground - the timing

This culture has little time for vegetation, so in the open ground, the timing of the planting of garlic in the spring occurs in the southern regions at the end of March when the ground is heated to a temperature of 5-6 ° C. For the Moscow region and more northern regions with a cool climate, the time of work shifts depending on the weather conditions by the third decade of April or even by the first days of May. Try not to delay the landing time. Delays with deadlines can lead to a drop in yields in dry years by 50% or more.

Preparing garlic for planting in spring

Bulbous plants in the open ground suffer from many diseases, so you need to thoroughly study the task of how to prepare the garlic for planting in the spring. First, we disassemble the heads for the teeth, selecting the healthy and largest slices, which are located more often closer to the edge. Next, treat the resulting material in a solution of the tested and available fungicide.

Than to process garlic before planting:

  1. Soak for 30-60 minutes of the tooth in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Soaking in 1% solution of copper sulfate (for 30 minutes).
  3. Use the antibacterial drug "Maxim" or its analogs.
  4. Use in the spring just before planting in the open ground a strong saline solution in the proportion of 3 tablespoons of salt per 5 liters of a bucket of water. The soaking time is 3 minutes.
  5. Soak the wedge for half an hour in Fitosporin-M, diluted according to the instructions.
  6. Use on the eve of planting garlic in the spring in the open ground, the infusion of wood ash (a tablespoon of this natural microfertilizer per liter of water), the treatment time is 1 hour.

The precursors of garlic when planting

Working in the open in the spring, it is necessary to follow the crop rotation to reduce the risk of fungal spread and improve soil composition. Tips for planting garlic by experienced truck farmers recommend avoiding predecessors in the form of potatoes, tomatoes and onions. Perfectly suitable bed, where in the last season alfalfa grew with clover, strawberries, green salad. Reasonable choice of neighbors for garlic, containing natural phytoncides, helping to effectively deter pests. It is desirable to have beds with bulbs between plantings of strawberries and carrots.

Ways of planting garlic in spring

The generally accepted rules of planting garlic in spring are always recommended to set the width of the row between about 20-30 cm. Make small holes, keep the distance between adjacent lobes in rows up to 6-8 cm. Slices spread downside down without strong pressing into the ground. To facilitate this process, experienced amateurs use in the spring, in large areas in the open ground, hand-operated sevalki or self-made markers.

Depth of planting garlic in spring

With early spring and winter plantings, different rules for growing this crop are used. The depth of planting spring garlic in spring is about 5-7 cm. For comparison, when planting for winter, the teeth should be buried in the open ground to 8-12 cm, depending on the composition of the soil in the area. Too small landing is undesirable, fast-growing roots often expel the teeth outside, where they die in the heat. Strong penetration causes a slowdown in the germination of garlic.

Fertilizer for garlic when planting

For garlic, it is desirable to use the most fertile soil, but in the open ground it is forbidden to add fresh organic matter to the wells. Due to a very early period of work, it is better to prepare the plot for winter, adding nutrients to the soil, such as humus (up to 5 kg / m 2 ) and superphosphate (15 g / m 2 ). Fertilizers when planting garlic in spring are allowed to apply the following:

  1. The first fertilizing - after 15 days after emergence, we introduce carbamide in the form of an aqueous solution (1 tablespoon / 10 liters of water).
  2. The second feeding - after 12-15 days it is recommended to use nitroammophoska (2 liters / 10 liters).
  3. Last top dressing in the open field - in the last decade of June, you can apply superphosphate in the form of water infusion (2 tablespoons / 10 liters) with a rate of application up to 4 l / m 2 beds.