The Role of Emotions in Human Life

The breadth of the spectrum of emotions of a living being depends on its physiological and psychological complexity of the structure. After all, in fact, the role of emotions in the evolution and life of a person is indescribable - it is they that signal about the person's satisfaction with the conditions of life, and also give an idea of ​​how to overcome dissatisfaction.

To feel emotions

Often a person does not even realize what emotions he is experiencing. Moreover, even in a conversation emotions can be skilfully concealed, and strangers do not notice at all what is on our mind. However, with all this, what a person is doing at the moment is the fruit of his emotions - he either tries to cope with dissatisfaction or is happy with his happiness.

At the same time, emotions give character to communication. The attitude, attitude to the subject of conversation and the interlocutor is the role of emotions in communication. It is thanks to our emotional state that communication becomes interpersonal.

Emotions in creativity

The agony of creativity, the joy of discovery - what is it, how not emotions? The role of emotions in creativity is the function of the motivator. Emotions induce us to act and support in the moments when the hands fall, because a person becomes like a gambler - he can not help but feel, give up the joy of the winner.

Many scientists believed that creative and intellectual thinking can not be divided. After all, affect (emotions) is at the basis of the most complex mental processes, without which thought would not have been avoided. What directs the thoughts of the scientist or genius of the writer in the direction of his reflections? Emotions - tendencies, motives, needs, interests. It is they who drive our thoughts.

Emotions protect us

But the role of emotions in human activities is not limited to this. Have you ever thought that emotions can protect the body from death? The ability to sense emotions helps to mobilize or, conversely, discharge. So, being in danger, forces are generated to overcome obstacles, protect against the expenditure of energy for nothing.

That is, what we perceive is a signal for the body to turn on or turn off the corresponding functions.