Adjika from plum

A real culinary find was a recipe for Adzhika with cherry plum, this variant combines pleasant fruit acid plum with hot chili pepper and spice spice. It turns out something in between the classical Adzhika and Tkemali. Tell you how to make ajika from plum.

A simple option

The simplest version of this sauce is prepared quite easily, however, it is not necessary to go far from the plate, as it easily burns.



We search through the plum - we remove the damaged and wrinkled fruits, leaves and twigs, my plum, let it drain, put it in a pan, pour a little water - so that the plum is completely covered and put on fire. Brews our plum is not very long - about 10 minutes. We catch it and throw it back on a strainer or colander. We rub, leaving bones and peels. In the blender we place the frayed flesh, salt, sugar, garlic, spices. We remove the seeds from the pepper, cut it finely and put it in the bowl too. There we also put leaves of greenery (we discard the branches - they are too rough). We grind everything together - we get a homogeneous gruel. We dilute it with a decoction of cherry plum and pour into a saucepan or cauldron. Adjika from the cherry plums is not brewed for long - our task is to preserve to the maximum the useful properties of all the ingredients. We boil it for 10 minutes, without forgetting, stirring, so as not to burn, and meanwhile mine and sterilize jars and lids. We pour adzhika into jars, roll them and let them cool down in the heat. Adjika from cherry plums for the winter is an excellent seasoning that will help to cope with vitamin deficiency in cold weather.

Soft adzhika

Not everyone likes spicy, and you can not have this sauce for everyone. There is another option - a very tender adzhika from cherry plum with Bulgarian pepper. It is not difficult to cook it either.



Alychu sorted out to exclude the penetration of spoiled fruit in adzhika, carefully wash it, add it to the cauldron, fill it with water and boil it after boiling for a quarter of an hour. Separate the peel and bones from the pulp, for which we rub it through a sieve. We clean peppers sweet and sharp, we pass through a meat grinder together with greens. In a mortar carefully rub the remaining ingredients: garlic with salt, sugar, pepper and coriander. It should be a homogeneous mixture. In the cauldron we put rubbed plum and broth, pepper and garlic gruel. Mix well and simmer for about 20 minutes. You will get a delicious, sharp adzhika from cherry plums, you can supplement it with a recipe, for example, uzho-suneli, seeds of dill, other ingredients to taste.

Adjika with cherry plum and tomatoes



My plum, tomatoes, pepper. We drain the plum and rub it through a sieve, place it in a blender with the rest of the ingredients and crush it as it should. Add the plum broth and cook our sauce for slightly more than a quarter of an hour, stirring. You can roll, and you can pour on sterilized jars and store in the refrigerator.