Sauna suit

The sauna suit will help you lose weight without any effort. It's not us, it's what advertisers say, and then be surprised that people respond about this slimming aid not in the most flattering way. Suit sauna involves losing weight by removing a large amount of liquid with sweat. When will the perspiration come off? When you begin to train and actively move. Conclusion - a sauna suit is inherently associated with exercise.


The costume with the effect of the sauna consists of a jacket and trousers. Cloth - 100% vinyl. Costume cost varies from 8 to $ 80.

Operating principle

With the help of our special costume for weight loss, there is a greenhouse effect. During active movement, you begin to heat up. Under normal circumstances and a normal training suit, your body temperature would drop naturally, due to the ambient temperature. But not in vain did you buy a sauna suit for weight loss : here everything happens very differently! Thanks to the vinyl suit, your body does not cool down, which means that the body needs to resort to emergency measures - plenty of sweating. Only so he can cool down.

What comes out with sweat? Water - alas, most of the weight recover, as soon as you re-drink water, toxins and heavy metals - this is certainly positive, as well as the liquid formed during the breakdown of fats. With the decomposition of 100 g of fat, 750 g of water forms, and, in fact, fats are split from physical activity, you did not forget that you need to actively move?

Suit sauna in the past

Earlier, our grandmothers, as well as models and actresses of that era, instead of a suit with the effect of a sauna, used very woolen warm sweaters and also actively moved. This method helped them "prepare" for a date, or solved more "global" problems - relieved of excess weight before the shooting, and entered athletes in the appropriate weight category.

What's the difference between a sauna and a sauna suit?

Suit sauna for weight reduction creates almost the same with a real sauna effect. The only difference is that when you are in the sauna, the heat comes from outside, and when you train in a sauna suit, the body warms up due to its own heat.

Which of the two methods is more effective - to choose you, depending on personal preferences and tastes.


The costume should be worn on cotton underwear, and after use, wipe the suit with a damp cloth and wipe dry. You can put it aired, for this just turn the suit inside out.

The sauna suit can be used for training on simulators, for running, for aerobic exercises, and also for strengthening effect after a bath for weight loss, for example, with salt. Just wipe dry and put on a sauna suit. Cover with a warm blanket and lose weight, sipping herbal tea.

Why so many disappointed?

When people buy a sauna suit, they think they paid to lose weight effortlessly. In many respects it is the fault of advertisers. However, we want to believe in the beautiful things that we are told from the screens.

The sauna suit really contributes to the process of losing weight, sort of acting as a catalyst. But the main thing is for you, and this is physical activity and diet. If there are no loads, you will not warm up to sweating, if there is no diet - fats will not be split. To ensure that the composition of sweat was the same fluid - the product of the breakdown of fat, it is necessary to create conditions under which the body will burn fat, and not carbohydrates and proteins. To do this, you need a protein diet with a low carbohydrate content.

Do not wait for miracles. They will not take place until you create them yourself.