Shortness of breath for physical activity - reasons

Shortness of breath is a difficulty breathing, which bothers not only people in their ages. Basically, shortness of breath occurs when the load, the intensity of which is different. If the shortness of breath appeared after trying to catch up with the departing bus - this is not cause for concern. If the shortness of breath arose after climbing the stairs to the 3rd floor, it is worth considering.

Symptoms of shortness of breath

The shortness of breath is felt as a heaviness in the chest, constriction and lack of air. During shortness of breath, a person begins to gasp for breath, performing an incomplete breathing cycle, his pulse is increasing. In rare cases, lack of air can lead to dizziness and nausea. If the body is in tonus, shortness of breath with moderate physical exertion does not arise, breathing recovers quickly.

Shortness of breath with physical activity and its causes

Frequent bouts of shortness of breath, requiring a long recovery of normal respiratory function - a signal about health problems. There are many reasons for shortness of breath. Among them the most likely are the following:

  1. Shortness of breath may occur after exercise, if the body was not prepared for it. For example, if you suddenly found that you are late for a bus and you had to run to the stop, most likely, you catch up with shortness of breath. With a normal state of the body, this shortness of breath will quickly pass.
  2. Emotional overexertion can also lead to shortness of breath. The state of anxiety causes an influx of adrenaline, which stimulates the supersaturation of the lungs with air. Such shortness of breath is not dangerous and passes with the cessation of panic.
  3. Anemia and anemia are the most frequent causes of shortness of breath in women. With prolonged and frequent attacks, it is necessary to start taking preparations containing iron.
  4. Another reason for abnormal shortness of breath can be considered obesity . In fat people, the heart carries significant loads, and the fat layer interferes with easy exercise of normal respiratory activity. That's why, even with little physical exertion, there is a strong shortness of breath.

Among the most dangerous causes of shortness of breath, requiring immediate medical attention and compulsory treatment, can be called heart disease, asthma, pulmonary insufficiency.