Dressing for pickle with pearl bar for the winter

If there is a need to cook a hot dish for the minimum amount of time, then it is not worthwhile to run to the store for packing the universal soup billet, it is enough to add natural dressing with a pearl bar to the broth, which you can easily cook at home and store in the pantry. As part of such a refueling, there are no clever ingredients, just pearl barley and vegetables from your garden.

Cucumber dressing for pickle for the winter



The technology of preparation is elementary simple. First, cut fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and onions into cubes, chop the carrots by hand or grind, and rinse the croup. In the brazier, pour in the oil, put fresh cucumbers and tomatoes on the bottom of the crockery, pour in a quarter of a glass of water and add the remaining vegetables along with the pearl barley. Salt and sweeten the dressing, pour in the vinegar and cook for about 20 minutes, setting an average heat. After a lapse of time, cover the refill with a lid and leave to languish already on minimum heat for another 10 minutes. After the time allotted, place the dressing with the barley for pickle on sterile cans and roll up for the winter. When the contents of the cans completely cool, they can be moved to storage in the pantry.

Dressing for pickle with pearl barley and mushrooms



To accelerate the preparation of pearl barley, before you prepare a dressing for rassolnik for the winter, soak it in cold water for the whole night, drain the water, and wash the perlovku and put it on the fire.

We pass to vegetables. Blanching the green tomatoes and purring them with a blender. In the brazier we prepare a dressing from onion rings, sweet and hot peppers, and carrots. Add the pieces of mushrooms and let the moisture from them completely evaporate. Fill tomato sauce, follow the tomato paste, pour in the oil and leave the vegetables stew for half an hour. After a while, pour the boiled croup and add the vinegar. Immediately after boiling, the workpiece can be laid out on a sterile container and rolled up with covers.

When it's time to cook the soup, put the stock in the stock, send the sliced ​​pickled cucumbers and a little pickle from under them, add the laurel soup and bring to a boil.

Refueling for pickle for the winter - recipe



After rinsing the pearl barley, boil it until it is ready. While the perlivka is brewed, take care of the vegetables: save onion half-rings with grated carrots and add grated fresh cucumbers to the roast without squeezing out excess juice from them. Generously season the vegetables, add sugar and leave to simmer for about half an hour. Put the tomato paste into the stewed vegetables and leave everything to languish for another 20 minutes. Now it's the turn of the boiled pearl barley, after which the preparation should be put on the fire for 15 minutes. At this stage, the contents of the frying pan can also be added laurel and pea peppers in case you plan to use the dressing and as a garnish. Now it remains to distribute everything on sterile banks and roll up.