Bulimia - Symptoms

Bulimia has become a "popular" disease since hudyshki appeared on the catwalks, and it was proclaimed that a beautiful woman should be very, very slender. Unfortunately, not every girl has enough will power to bring the weight in order in adequate ways, and some lead themselves to various painful conditions. Bulimia is an eating disorder in which a patient first falls into an uncontrolled binge eating disorder and then, out of fear for a figure, gets rid of the eaten or causes vomiting, or taking a laxative.

Symptoms of bulimia

The symptoms of bulimia are different from the symptoms of unhealthy cravings for food. Even if a person regularly over-eating, he is not considered a patient with bulimia until he tries to clear the stomach immediately after an attack of gluttony by inducing vomiting or diarrhea. Since it is not difficult to determine bulimia, many forget about the control of other signs that may be prerequisites for the development of a more serious form of this disease:

It's not a secret that signs of bulimia are more common in adolescents and girls up to 30, but sometimes women with age suffer from this disease. The main thing is to detect the disease in time and not let it progress.

What is the risk of bulimia?

Those who are used to induce vomiting after eating, often this activity seems very safe and even useful for the figure. However, in reality, everything is different, and the safety of such "slimming" is just a myth.

  1. Bulimia quickly leads to inflammation, gastritis , ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. Regular vomiting causes damage to the vocal cords.
  3. Frequent circulation to the laxative disturbs the natural peristalsis and leads to constipation.
  4. Despite the fact that bulimia is the desire to preserve the figure, with the onset of the disease, body weight, on the contrary, increases, as 70% of calories have time to assimilate. As a result, bulimia is a factor provoking obesity.
  5. Bulimia causes tachycardia and high blood pressure.
  6. Patients suffering from bulimia suffer from thin, over-dried skin, split hair and puffy nails.
  7. Due to the frequent ingestion of gastric acid on the teeth, caries gradually develop.
  8. Patients with bulimia are deeply insecure people who, with the development of the illness, usually become depressed and become self-absorbed.

Not all patients with bulimia look unhappy, embittered or embittered. Externally, the patient may look quite adequate person, but inside such people often understand their mistakes and condemn themselves.

Bulimia: treatment

If you notice signs of bulimia in a friend, daughter, or even more in yourself - you know, you can not postpone treatment. It is necessary urgently to address to the good psychotherapist who will appoint or nominate suitable treatment and will reveal the present reasons of development of such dangerous illness, as a bulimia.

In some cases, patients who have completely lost control of themselves need hospitalization and a recovery course under the supervision of a doctor, but most often treatment does without it. The main thing is to realize that in this situation we need help and not to postpone the treatment for a day, so as not to exhaust our own organism and not to get several chronic diseases.