Crimean yantyk - recipe

Recipes yanyk we borrowed from the Crimean-Tatar cuisine. Incredibly delicious products from dough and minced meat are cooked like the usual chebureks , but are fried in a dry pan without oil. It is this fact that makes them more attractive for consumption, since it reduces the calorie content of food and completely negates the negative health consequences associated with the consumption of fried in oil food.

Yantyk with meat - recipe



The recipe for a yantyk is not easier. Suffice it to sift the flour, salt it with a pinch of salt and, pouring the purified water, make a knead. The texture of the finished coma should be completely homogeneous, plastic and not sticky. We leave the basis of the products under the towel for the proofing of the minutes by forty, and at this time we will deal with stuffing for the filling. Most often, fresh quality lamb is used for this, but you can also take beef, pork, and a mixture of several types of meat. The product is ground in a meat grinder and mixed with a peeled and melted onion cubes. As spices, you can take a classic black pepper (ideally freshly ground) or complement it with a set of spices and aromatic herbs to your taste, as well as fresh herbs. Unforgettable mince also add salt to taste and carefully knead.

After proofing, we divide the dough into portions, roll out each thinly, and in each half we distribute the filling with a small layer of minced meat. Cover the filling with the second edge of the rolled cake, seal the edges and lay the workpieces on a dry heated pan and fry over moderate heat until the dough is browned on both sides.

Crimean yanyk with cheese - recipe



Almost exactly as well as with meat, Crimean yantys with cheese are prepared, replacing them with minced meat. From the sifted flour, salt and water, dough is first mixed. In it you can add a batch of table spoon of vodka, which will serve as a kind of baking powder and slightly soften the taste of the products. We form yantyki from rolled flat cakes and grated cheese, into which you can add a little chopped fresh greens. Hot fried products are smeared with a slice of butter and served immediately.