Pork in battered frying pan

Any dish cooked in batter, turns out more juicy and delicate. Today we will talk about how to cook battered pork chops in a frying pan in batter. For their preparation we choose meat from the neck or from the dorsal part. In the market or in a store, such meat is called a "slide" or "chop", depending on the region. Varying the ingredients in the composition of batter, each time we get a new, very tasty dish.

Pork chops in a beer batter in a frying pan


For batter:


Pork washing, carefully dried and beaten with a kitchen hammer, covering the top with food film.

The recipe for beer batter for pork chops is very simple. To make it a little beat eggs with salt, ground black pepper, pour in beer, pour in the flour and mix until smooth without flour flakes. Consistency of the received mass should remind a dough on pancakes. The beer house is ready.

Pour a sufficient amount of vegetable oil into a deep frying pan. The thickness of the layer should be at least one and a half centimeters. Warm up the oil well on high heat and put the chops into it, preliminarily dipping them in cooked lobster. Fry in boiling oil to a beautiful rouge on both sides and take out a noise on the dish.

Pork in cheese batter


For batter:


The washed and dried pork is cut into slices approximately ten millimeters in thickness and beat off with a kitchen hammer, covering with food film.

In a deep bowl, beat the eggs with salt, add the hard cheese, mayonnaise, and ground black pepper, which is passed through a fine grater. We break everything together properly with a mixer or blender and, if necessary, add some salt. Now gradually pour the flour and mix. Flour should be so much that the result is a fairly thick mass, in consistency similar to the pancake batter.

In a frying pan or stewpot with a thick bottom pour the vegetable oil and warm it well. The beaten pieces of pork are alternately dipped in cooked cheese and put on a heated frying pan. Fry the meat to the rouge over medium heat on each side, and then shift to a dish.

Pork chilled in Chinese


For batter:


The washed and dried pork is cut into pieces with a thickness of about one centimeter and is beaten off with a kitchen hammer.

Whisk the eggs with salt, add the starch and mix.

Dip each beaten piece of meat in cooked batter and fry it on hot vegetable oil to a rich color, and then shift it into a separate plate. In the same frying pan, adding a little more vegetable oil, fry the peeled and chopped carrots, onion and finely chopped garlic. When the vegetables become soft, add the tomato sauce and 35 milliliters of hot water and mix. After two minutes, pour in the sugar, salt and vinegar and stand on the fire until thick. Then transfer into the frying pan ruddy chops and fry in the sauce, gently stirring, for three to five minutes.