Unagi sauce

Unagi sauce came to us from Japan, but, despite some exotic, it can be done on your own at home. It has a rich smoked-salted, piquant, slightly sweet flavor and perfectly complements fish dishes. We will tell you how to prepare unagi sauce in different ways, and you, guided by your taste, choose for yourself the more suitable.

Unagi Sauce Recipe


white semi-dry wine - 200 ml;


So, pour the white wine into the pan, add the natural soy sauce and Mirin to it. Stir all the ingredients, add the fish broth and stir until the grains are completely dissolved. We put the container on the stove, bring it to a boil, and then reduce the flame and cook the sauce for 1.5 hours. When the mass is reduced by almost half and gets caramel color, remove from the plate, pour a little sugar and quickly stir it. With what do they eat unagi sauce? After cooling, pour the mass into a piallet and serve it to fish, seafood, as well as rice dishes. By preparing the sauce, you can turn everyday dinner into a refined and festive dinner. We store the finished sauce in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

Unagi sauce with eel



Take a small pot, pour water into it, soy sauce and Mirin. Then we throw sugar and finely chopped smoked eel. We light the fire, bring the mass to a boil and, stirring, boil for about 8 minutes. Now take the starch, dilute it with water and gently pour this mixture into a saucepan. Cook the sauce for another 5 minutes before thickening, and then filter and serve to the table.

Unagi Sauce Recipe



In the pan pour the sake and Mirin, add a little honey and chopped smoked eel. Then we pour sugar and put the peeled and finely chopped vegetables. We mix everything and put it on the weakest fire. After boiling, boil the mixture for another 10 minutes, and then we take out the onions with carrots and throw them away. If you want to get a thick sauce, then add a little water diluted starch and stew for another 5 minutes.

Quick recipe for unagi sauce



In the pot, pour out a glass of wine, "Mirin" sauce, add the sauce "Kikoman" and a little water. Then we throw sugar, mix everything and put it on a weak fire. After boiling, stirring, boil the sauce for another 10 minutes and at the end we introduce diluted starch. Prepared in this way sauce, store in the refrigerator for about a week.

Unagi sauce recipe for eel



In order to prepare unagi sauce at home, we need to prepare all the products we need. So, in the saucepan pour olive oil, soy sauce and put honey. Ginger grind on a grater and gently strain the juice. After that, pour it into the saucepan. All carefully mix, put the dishes on a small fire and pour a little starch. Cook the sauce until thickened for a few minutes, but in any case we do not let it boil, so as not to spoil the taste. Well, that's all, Unagi eel sauce is ready! We pour it into a saucepan and cool it.